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Kami ada 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai berikan suffix, meaning, example, meaning!. OK langsung saja baca cara menjawab selengkapnya di bawah ini:
Berikan Suffix, Meaning, Example, Meaning!
Jawaban: #1: -able able to be excitable, portable, preventable
list -ac pertaining to cardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
list -acity (-ocity) quality of perspicacity, sagacity, velocity
list -ade act, action or process, product blockade, cavalcade, promenade,
list -age action or process passage, pilgrimage, voyage
list -aholic (-oholic) one with an obsession for workaholic, shopaholic, alcoholic
list -al relating to bacterial, theatrical, natural
-algia pain neuralgia, nostalgia,
list -an (-ian) relating to, belonging to Italian, urban, African
list -ance state or quality of brilliance, defiance, annoyance
list -ant a person who applicant, immigrant, servant
inclined to, tending to brilliant, defiant, vigilant
list -ar of or relating to, being lunar, molecular, solar
a person who beggar, burglar, liar
list -ard a person who does an action coward, sluggard, wizard
list -arian a person who disciplinarian, vegetarian, librarian
list -arium (orium) a place for terrarium, aquarium, solarium
list -ary of or relating to literary, military, budgetary
list -ate state or quality of (adj.) affectionate, desolate, obstinate
makes the word a verb (different pronunciation) activate, evaporate, medicate
list -ation action or process creation, narration, emancipation
list -ative tending to (adj.) creative, preservative, talkative
list up -cide act of killing homicide, suicide, genocide
list -cracy rule, government, power bureaucracy, aristocracy, theocracy
list -crat someone who has power aristocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat
list -cule diminutive (making something small) molecule, ridicule,
list -cy state, condition or quality efficiency, privacy, belligerency
list -cycle circle, wheel bicycle, recycle, tricycle
list -dom condition of, state, realm boredom, freedom, wisdom
list -dox belief, praise orthodox, paradox
up -ectomy surgical removal of appendectomy, hysterectomy
list -ed past tense called, hammered, laughed
list -ee receiver, performer nominee, employee, devotee
list -eer associated with/engaged in engineer, volunteer
list -emia blood condition anemia, hypoglycemia, leukemia
list -en makes the word a verb awaken, fasten, strengthen
list -ence state or condition, action absence, dependence, negligence
list -ency condition or quality clemency, dependency, efficiency
list -ent inclined to performing/causing, or one who performs/causes competent, correspondent, absorbent
list -er more bigger, faster, happier
action or process flutter, ponder, stutter
a person who does an action announcer, barber, teacher
list -ern state or quality of eastern, northern, western
list up -escence state or process adolescence, convalescence
list -ese relating to a place Chinese, Congolese, Vietnamese
list -esque in the style of Kafkaesque, grotesque, burlesque
list -ess female
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