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Jawaban dari "Questions: 1.How many speakers are there in the conversation? 2. What does Ryan compliment? 3. Why d..."
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Kami mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan dari Questions: 1.How many speakers are there in the conversation? 2. What does Ryan compliment? 3. Why d.... OK langsung saja pelajari cara menyelesaikan selengkapnya di bawah ini:
1.How Many Speakers Are There In The Conversation?
2. What Does Ryan Compliment?
3. Why Does Ryan Congratulate Eric?
4."I Think You Did It In Your First Speech." "
What Does The Sentence Mean?
5. Mention Expressions Of Giving Compliments Found In The Conversation!
Jawaban: #1: Questions:
1. How many speakers are there in the conversation?
Answer : Three. Ryan, Linda, and Eric.
2. What does Ryan compliment?
Answer : Eric's new haircut.
3. Why does Ryan congratulate Eric?
Answer : The audience like Eric's speech because it was great.
4. "I think you did it in your first speech." What does the sentence mean?
Answer : Ryan giving compliment to Eric.
5. Mention expressions of giving compliments found in the conversation!
Answer :
- That's a cool speech! You're great!
- By the way, I like your haircut.
- I think you did it in your first speech.
- You look more handsome.
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