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Jawaban dari "Write down two sentences with figurative meaning and literal meaning"

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Jika kamu mau mencari cara menyelesaikan atas pertanyaan Write down two sentences with figurative meaning and literal meaning, maka teman-teman telah ada di situs yang tepat.

Website ini mempunyai 1 jawaban mengenai Write down two sentences with figurative meaning and literal meaning. Monggo baca jawaban lebih lanjut disini:

Write Down Two Sentences With Figurative Meaning And Literal Meaning

Jawaban: #1: Figurative:
1. The toast jumped out of the toaster.
2. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

1. The sand feels rough.
2. Candy taste sweet. Key Differences Between Atheism and Agnosticism

Agnostic atheist vs difference beliefs between religions atheism agnosticism agnostics atheists thoughtco illustration differences hugo lin whats. Key differences between atheism and agnosticism

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