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Jawaban dari "Write down the definition of "Comparative"! Write down the definition of "Superlative"!​"

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Kami punya 1 cara menjawab atas Write down the definition of "Comparative"! Write down the definition of "Superlative"!​. OK langsung saja baca cara menyelesaikan selengkapnya disini:

Write Down The Definition Of "Comparative"!
Write Down The Definition Of "Superlative"!​

Jawaban: #1:


Comparative is used to compare two things or people.

Superlative is used to compare more than two things or people.

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Itulah informasi tentang "Write down the definition of "Comparative"! Write down the definition of "Superlative"!​" yang bisa kami ulas, semoga bisa bermanfaat!

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