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Kami ada 2 jawaban mengenai What is the definition of variable ? What the definition from population and sample ?.. OK langsung saja lihat cara menjawab selengkapnya disini:
What Is The Definition Of Variable ?
What The Definition From Population And Sample ?.
Jawaban: #1: Definition of variable
1 a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds variable costs
b : fickle, inconstant
2 : characterized by variations
3 : having the characteristics of a variable
4 : not true to type : aberrant —used of a biological group or character
In statistics the term "population" has a slightly different meaning from the one given to it in ordinary speech. It need not refer only to people or to animate creatures - the population of Britain, for instance or the dog population of London. Statisticians also speak of a population of objects, or events, or procedures, or observations, including such things as the quantity of lead in urine, visits to the doctor, or surgical operations. A population is thus an aggregate of creatures, things, cases and so on.
A population commonly contains too many individuals to study conveniently, so an investigation is often restricted to one or more samples drawn from it. A well chosen sample will contain most of the information about a particular population parameter but the relation between the sample and the population must be such as to allow true inferences to be made about a population from that sample.
Consequently, the first important attribute of a sample is that every individual in the population from which it is drawn must have a known non-zero chance of being included in it; a natural suggestion is that these chances should be equal. We would like the choices to be made independently; in other words, the choice of one subject will not affect the chance of other subjects being chosen. To ensure this we make the choice by means of a process in which chance alone operates, such as spinning a coin or, more usually, the use of a table of random numbers. A limited table is given in the Table F (Appendix), and more extensive ones have been published.(1-4) A sample so chosen is called a random sample.The word "random" does not describe the sample as such but the way in which it is selected.
In programming, a variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program.
In biology, a population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding
A sample, in the context of scientific research and statistics, is a representative subset of a population
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