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Jawaban dari "Social media has come a long way in recent years. From 2006 onwards, the growth rate was unexpectedl..."
Apakah teman-teman banyak dikasih pekerjaan rumah sama guru? Tetapi anda tidak bisa mengerjakannya? Sebetulnya ada beberapa cara untuk mengerjakan peer tsb, termasuk dengan bertanya pada orang tua, disamping itu mencari cara menyelesaikan di website dapat menjadi cara pilihan saat ini.
Kami mempunyai 1 cara menjawab mengenai Social media has come a long way in recent years. From 2006 onwards, the growth rate was unexpectedl.... Silakan pelajari jawaban selanjutnya disini:
Social Media Has Come A Long Way In Recent Years. From 2006 Onwards, The Growth Rate Was Unexpectedly High. As Technology Grows, Despite Its Drawbacks, It Is Clear That More And More People Will Benefit From Using Social Media. Here Are Some Reasons Why Social Media Brings Many Benefits To Society.
The First And Foremost Advantage Of Social Media Is Connectivity. People From Anywhere Can Connect With Anyone, Regardless Of Location And Religion. The Beauty Of Social Media Is That You Can Connect With It
anyone To Learn And Share Your Thoughts.
Besides, Social Media Has A Lot Of Benefits For Students And Teachers. It's Very Easy To Educate From Other Experts And Professionals Via Social Media. You Can Follow Anyone To Learn From It And Increase Your Knowledge Of Any Field. Regardless Of Your Location And Educational Background, You Can
educate Yourself, Without Paying For It.
Then, Another Advantage Of The Social Media Is That You Can Update Yourself From The Latest Happenings Around The World. With The Help Of Social Media, You Can Get The Facts And True Information By Doing Some
research. However, We Should Be Wise In Receiving Messages. In A Few Cases, Messages We Receivea Are Biased.
Since Our Word Has Different Religions And Beliefs, Social Media Helps In Buiding And Participating In The Community Of Own Religion And Believes. Similarly, People Of Different Communities Can Connect To Discuss And Share Related Items. For Example, Game Lovers Can Join Games-related Communiues, Car Lovers Can Join Communities Related To Cars, And So On.
Last But Not Least, Whether You Have An Offline Or Online Business, You Can Promote Your Business To The Largest Audience. The Whole Word Is Open For You, To Promote Your Business. This Makes The Business Profitable And Less Expensive, Because Most Of The Expenses Made Over A Business Are For Advertising And Promotion. This Can Be Decreased By Constantly And Regularly Involving On The Social Media To Connect With The Right Audience.
Based On The Arguments Above, I Believe That Social Media Is Beneficial For Our Lives. Howevey We
should Be Wise When Using Social Media.
1. Is The Text Fictional Or Non-fiction? Explain The Reason.
2. Why Is The Text Written?
3. What Tense Is Mostly Used In The Text
4. What Is The Difference Between The First And Last Paragraph?
5. What Is The Similarity Of The Second, Third, And Fourth Paragraphs?
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
1. non fiction. because non fiction, such as narrative or recount or biography or news item uses past tense.
2. to convince readers that social media is advantageous
3. present tense
4. 1st paragraph is thesis. last paragraph is recommendation (ada should)/conclusion.
5. they are all arguments
analytical exposition itu. Cari aja di YouTube bnayak penjelasannya. kalau baca susah kadang. lihat channel Nggo Sekolah. disana ada penjelasan ttg analitycal exposition
Key differences between atheism and agnosticism. Agnostic atheist vs difference beliefs between religions atheism agnosticism agnostics thoughtco atheists illustration lin hugo differences whats
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