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Jawaban dari "Pigeons have been taught to recognize human facial expressions, upsetting long-held beliefs that onl..."
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Situs ini ada 1 cara mengerjakan atas Pigeons have been taught to recognize human facial expressions, upsetting long-held beliefs that onl.... Monggo lihat cara menyelesaikan lebih lanjut di bawah ini:
Pigeons Have Been Taught To Recognize Human Facial
Expressions, Upsetting Long-held Beliefs That Only Humans
Had Evolved The Sophisticated Nervous Systems To Perform
Such A Feat In Recent Experiments At The University Of Iowa,
Eight Trained Pigeons Were Shown Photographs Of People
Displaying Emotions Of Happiness, Anger, Surprise, And
Disgust, The Birds Learned To Distinguish Between These
Expressions. Not Only That, But They Were Also Able To Correctly
Identify The Same Expressions On Photographs Of
Unfamiliar Faces. Their Achievement Does Not Suggest,
Of Course, That The Pigeons Had Any Idea What The Human
Expressions Meant
Some Psychologists Have Theorized That Because Of
The Importance Of Facial Expression To Human
Communication, Humans Developed Special Nervous Systems
Capable Of Recognizing Subtle Expressions. The Pigeons Cast
Doubt On That Idea, However,
In Fact, The Ability To Recognize Facial Expressions Of
Emotion Is Not Necessarily Innate Even In Human Babies, But
May Have To Be Learned In Much The Same Way Pigeons
Learn, In Experiments Conducted Several Years Ago At
The University Of Iowa, It Was Found That Pigeons Organize
Images Of Things Into The Same Logical Categories That
Humans Do
None Of This Work Would Come As Any Surprise To
Charles Darwin, Who Long Ago Wrote About The Continuity Of
Mental Development From Animals To Humans,
1. From The Passage, Which Of The Following Can Be Inferred
About Pigeons?
Select One:
O A. They Can Show The Same Emotions Humans Can
O B. They Can Understand Human Emotions,
O C. They Can Only Identify The Expressions Of People They
Are Familiar With
O D. They Have More Sophisticated Nervous Systems Than
Was Once Thought
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
a.they can show the same emotions human can.
Penjelasan: karena, di dalam teks di atas dikatakan bahwa para merpati
dapat menunjukkan ekspresi seperti yang dilakukan manusia.
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Gimana? Sudah ketemu cara menjawabnya kan? Semoga solusi tadi dapat membantu pengerjaan pertanyaan anda.
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