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Jawaban dari "Material Summary The Expression of Hope and Congratulation Expression of Hope and Wish a. I hope b...."

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Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penggunaan strategi mendapatkan cara menjawabnya bisa menaikkan hasil pada mata pelajaran.

Kami punya 1 cara menjawab dari Material Summary The Expression of Hope and Congratulation Expression of Hope and Wish a. I hope b..... Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakan selanjutnya disini:

Material Summary
The Expression Of Hope And Congratulation
Expression Of Hope And Wish
a. I Hope
b. Hopefully.
c. I Am Hoping (that).
d. I Am Hopeful Of -
e. Let's Hope (that).
Let's Hope For The Best.
g. We Wish You A Happy New Year.
Expression Of Congratulation
Congratulations On Your...
b. Congratulations!
May I Congratulate You On...
Let Me Congratulate You...
e. Rd Like To Congratulate You On...
Well Done!
h. Wish Me Luck.
i. Good Luck.
a. Thank You.
Thanks A Lot
Thanks, I Hope So.
Thanks For Your Wish.
زه نه و
a. Thank You.
b. Thank You Very Much For Sayings
c. How Nice Of You To Say So.
d. It's Very Good Of You To Say So.​

Jawaban: #1:


Ringkasan Bahan

Ekspresi Harapan dan Selamat

Ekspresi Harapan dan Keinginan

Sebuah. saya harap

b. Semoga.

c. Saya berharap (itu).

d. Saya berharap -

e. Mari berharap (itu).

Mari kita berharap untuk yang terbaik

42 Funny Atheist Quotes About God's Existence, Fate And Life

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Itulah informasi mengenai "Material Summary The Expression of Hope and Congratulation Expression of Hope and Wish a. I hope b...." yang bisa kami infokan, semoga bermanfaat!

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