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Jawaban dari "definition of memorandum"
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Situs ini ada 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai definition of memorandum. Monggo lihat cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya di bawah ini:
Definition Of Memorandum
Jawaban: #1:Jawaban:
noun, plural mem·o·ran·dums,mem·o·ran·da [mem-uh-ran-duh] .
a short note designating something to be remembered, especially something to be done or acted upon in the future; reminder.
a record or written statement of something.
an informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business:an interoffice memorandum.
Law. a writing, usually informal, containing the terms of a transaction.
Diplomacy. a summary of the state of an issue, the reasons for a decision agreed on, etc.
a document transferring title to goods but authorizing the return of the goods to the seller at the option of the buyer.

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