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Kami ada 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai mention types of museum !. Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakan selengkapnya di bawah ini:
Mention Types Of Museum !
Jawaban: #1: pes of museum
, varieties of institutions dedicated to preserving and interpreting the material aspects of human activity and the environment. Such a broad range of activities can be conducted by a wide variety of institutions, which, for purposes of description and discussion, it is often convenient to group according to type. However, with their diverse origins, varying philosophies, and differing roles in society, museums do not lend themselves to rigid classification. Certain museums provide for a specialist audience—for example, children, societies, universities, or schools. Some have particular responsibilities for a defined geographic area, such as a city or region. Others may offer unusual perspectives, resulting in alternative interpretations of artistic, historical, or scientific collections. (This last can occur at museums where the primary ethos is nationalistic, religious, or political.)
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