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Jawaban dari "Kenapa suka sama photo saya"
Apakah anda termasuk orang yang menggunakan metoda belajar dengan mencari cara mengerjakannya di website? Jika benar, maka kamu banyak temannya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara belajar dengan penggunaan strategi menemukan cara menjawabnya dapat menaikkan hasil pada mata pelajaran.
Kami ada 1 cara mengerjakan mengenai Kenapa suka sama photo saya. OK langsung saja pelajari cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya disini:
Kenapa Suka Sama Photo Saya
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
The exercise above does not have the proper instruction. So, presumably it's asking about translation. The proper and precise translation of such sentence is as follows:
'Why do you like my photo/ picture?'
To translate phrases or sentences from English to Indonesia or vice versa, you need to consider several stuff such as:
- the context
- the proper words
Translating word by word based on the literal meaning without looking at the context would not be recommended as it might obscure the meaning and confuse the ones who do not understand English.
That question can have two meaning despite the fact that the translation is the same. It could be asked by the person to someone else based on the curiosity or the person might wonder: 'why do you like my picture?'
OR it could be said as the person feels inconvenient or rather disturbed when someone else secretly takes a picture or her/him or simply clicked 'like' on her/ his picture in social media. In that situation, it can be translated like this, 'why did you like my picture?' (which implicitly means 'why did you click 'like' on my picture? I don't like you doing that so knock it off!!' )
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
another example of translation
Detail Jawaban:
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: translation
Kata kunci:

Humphries shaina fox husband age kcci bio married lucy noland parents engaged marathi tv birth date birthday name july. Shaina humphries husband, engaged, married, age【 bio 】parents
Itulah cara menyelesaikan tentang pertanyaan di atas yang bisa kami ulas, semoga bisa bermanfaat!
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