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Jawaban dari "How many types of sentence"

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Jika sobat mau mencari cara mengerjakan mengenai soal How many types of sentence, maka teman-teman sudah ada di tempat yang benar.

Tempat ini punya 2 cara menjawab mengenai How many types of sentence. Monggo baca cara menyelesaikan lebih lanjut di bawah:

How Many Types Of Sentence

Jawaban: #1:


4 types of sentences


There are four types of English sentence, classified by their purpose:

  1. declarative sentence (statement)
  2. interrogative sentence (question)
  3. imperative sentence (command)
  4. exclamative sentence (exclamation)
Jawaban: #2:


3, lampau(past) , sedang terjadi (+ing), masa mendatang (future) biasanya ada tambahan kata "will"

maaf kalau salah:)

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