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Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara belajar dengan penggunaan strategi menemukan jawabannya dapat menaikkan nilai pada mata pelajaran matematika.
Web ini mempunyai 1 cara menjawab dari Read and study the text below. Last week,valerie and her friends from SMP perdamaian,surabaya,learne.... Monggo pelajari cara mengerjakan selengkapnya di bawah:
Read And Study The Text Below.
Last Week,valerie And Her Friends From SMP Perdamaian,surabaya,learned How To Make Donut In Ring Master Donuts & Coffee At Tanjung Plaza,surabaya.
First,they Listened To The Story Of Mister Ringo,the Baker,and Soon They Had A Trip To The Kitchen.The Baker Showed Them How To Shape The Donuts,to Restore,to Fry,and To Add The Donuts With Various Kinds Of Topping And Filling.
Finally,the Students Had Their Chance To Make Their Wow Donuts. The Baker Only Gave Each Of Them A Piece Of Yellow Dough And Some Flour.Amazingly,the Students Could Make Their Own Donuts.
1) Why Did The Students Visit Ring Master Donuts & Coffee ?
2)what Is Valerine ?
3) What Did Students Do Firstly ?
4) What Did The Baker Show To Them ?
5) Whom With Did Valerie Learn How To Make Donuts ?
6) Where Did They Learn Making Donut ?
7) Could They Make Their Own Donuts ?
8) What Did The Baker Give To Each Of Them ?
Tolong Dijawab.
Jawaban: #1: Hello Tesa21
1. Because they wanted to learn how to make doughnuts.
2. Valerie is a junior high school student.
3. They listened to the story of Mr. Ringo
4. The baker showed them how to
hape the donuts,to restore,to fry,and to add the donuts with various kinds of topping and filling.
5. with her friends from SMP Perdamaian Surabaya
6. at Ring Master Donuts & coffee at Tanjung plaza,surabaya
7. Yes, they could.
8. The baker gave them a piece of yellow dough and some flour
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Nah itulah cara menyelesaikan tentang peer di atas yang dapat kami berikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat!
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