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Jawaban dari "Describing about idol"
Jika anda lagi mencari cara menyelesaikan atas soal Describing about idol, maka sobat sudah berada di website yang benar.
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Describing About Idol
Jawaban: #1: When one describes the idol, one usually includes several stuff such as physical appearance, personality, interests and other necessary things about him/ her. It can also about his/her past as well as the people who inspires his/ her success.
Here's the example of the passage about idol description.
Being a football manager perhaps is not as cool as being a footballer but technically football manager is the boss for the football stars. Normally, the manager was once a player, even though not always the famous one back then.
The current Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola, is one of the example of such. He is known as one of the best managers of all time today and only began his career eleven years ago. This tall and bald figure gained his reputation as the creator of tiki-taka when he managed to lead his first team, Barcelona to win six titles in one season in his debut. His so called instant success in Los Cules brought his fame and inspired Spain to win major tournaments, including World Cup, three times in a row. Guardiola is inevitably considered to guarantee greatness. This humble 49-year-old man continues winning titles in Bayern Munich and now Manchester City. In Manchester, Pep has won Premier League twice consecutively in 2018 and 2019 plus got all domestic titles last year. Apparently, with all this success, he does not consider himself as 'the philosopher' like what he is recently well-known in the world of football. Pep, who is into studying the football game by watching the videos over and over, owes his tactics and knowledge of football to his former manager while he was young in early 1990s, Johan Cryuff. This Dutch maestro was the first manager in Barcelona who could win Champions League in history.
From the paragraph above, it can be seen that all necessary information about the idol is mentioned. They are
the physical appearance: 'This tall and bald man... '
the personality: 'This humble yet intelligent....'
the interest: Pep, who is into.....'
the past: '...and only began his career eleven ....'
the person who inspires his success: 'He owes his tactics...'
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Detail Jawaban:
Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kategori: describing people
kode: 10.5.4
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