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Jawaban dari "The good Stepmother The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She pla..."
Jika sobat lagi berusaha melihat cara menyelesaikan dari soal The good Stepmother The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She pla..., maka sobat telah ada di situs yang benar.
Kami ada 1 cara menjawab mengenai The good Stepmother The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She pla.... Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya disini:
The Good Stepmother
The Old Witch Locked Hansel In A Cage And Set Gretel To Clean The House. She Planned To Eat Them Both. Each Night The Children Cried And Begged The Witch To Let Them Go.
Meanwhile, A Home, Their Stepmother Was Beginning To Wish She Had Never Tried To Get Rid Of The Children. "I Must Find Them," She Said And Set Off Into The Forest.
Many Hours Later, When Her Feet Were Tired From Walking And Her Lips Were Dry From Thirst, She Came To The Cottage Belonging To The Witch. The Stepmother Peeped Through The Window. Her Heart Cried Out When She Saw The Two Children.
She Picked Up The Broom Leaning Against The Door And Crept Inside. The Witch Was Putting Some Stew In The Oven When The Stepmother Gave Her An Almighty Push. The Witch Fell Into The Oven And Stepmother Shut The Door.
"Children, I Have Come To Save You," She Said, Hugging Them Tightly. "I Have Done A Dreadful Thing. I Hope In Time You Will Forgive Me. Let Me Take You Home And Become A Family Again". They Returned To Their Home And Their Stepmother Became The Best Mother Anyone Could Wish To Have, And Of Course They Lived Happily Ever After.
"The Witch Fell Into The Oven And The Stepmother Shut The Door." ( Paragraph 4)
The Underlined Word Can Be Replaced By The Word .................
Jawaban: #1: ~ Answer:
~ Discussion:
Untuk menyatakan bahwa verba shut sepertinya cukup tidak cocok dimasukkan pada pernyataan the witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door dengan menggantikan kata yang berarti serupa dengan shut (diam/tutup/senyap).
Maksud dari 'shut the door!' adalah tutup pintunya. Digunakan saat seseorang memerintahkan orang yang ditunjukkan olehnya untuk membuat pintu yang terbuka jadi tertutup (closed) dalam keadaan informal.
Jadi, shut the door bisa diganti dengan close the door.
—> jawabannya: d. closed
~ Thank you and hope this answer can help you.
Have a nice day! ~

Witch story
Nah itulah cara mengerjakan tentang "The good Stepmother The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She pla...", semoga bisa membantu!
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