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Jawaban dari "1. The.....speech went on for over an hour a. Grandiose b. Grant C.Grandiloquent 2. The painting sho..."

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Jika anda mau mencari cara menjawab dari pertanyaan 1. The.....speech went on for over an hour a. Grandiose b. Grant C.Grandiloquent 2. The painting sho..., maka teman-teman sudah berada di halaman yang benar.

Kami ada 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai 1. The.....speech went on for over an hour a. Grandiose b. Grant C.Grandiloquent 2. The painting sho.... OK langsung saja pelajari cara menjawab selanjutnya di bawah ini:

1. The.....speech Went On For Over An Hour
a. Grandiose
b. Grant

2. The Painting Show The.....of The Royal Palace On 1990
A. Grandeur
B. Grandiose
C. Glamour

3. The Government To Anyone Willing To Farm It
a. Grant
B. Grand
C. Grandiose

4. She Is Not.... Enough To Be A Good Hostess
A. Graceful
B. Gracious
C. Either Could Be Used Here

5. Helping The Poor Gives Her Tremendous...
A. Gratitude
b. Gratuitous
C. Gratification

6. The Wet Leaves.....towards The Bottom Of The Pool
A. Graft
b. Gravitate
c. Grate

7. I Am Indebted To You For
A. Gratitude
B. Gratuitous
C. Gracious

8. The Candle Made Only A ....... In The Vast Room.
A. Glimmer
B. Glitter
C. Glimpse

9. Good Winners Don't....... Over Their Victory
A. Bloat
B. Gloat
c. Clot

10. This Bill Contains A ...... Error In Addition
a. Blaring
b. Flaring
c. Glaring

11. With Some Words Missing And Others Misspelled, The Message Was Pure......
A. Gibe
b. Gibberish
C. Garble

12. The Driver...... For The Police Car To Stop
A. Germinated
B. Gesticulated

Test Your Range Of English Vocabulary With This Exercise

1.which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To A Speaker Who Does Not Use More Words Than Necessary?
A. Laconic C. Inarticulate
B. Taciturn D. Garrulous

2.which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To A Man Who Excessively Caters To, Worship And Submits To The Most Outlandish Or Outrageous Demands Of His Wife?
A. Henpecked
B. Uxorius
C. Dipsomaniac

3. Which Of The Following Words Is Synonymous With Alcoholism?
A. Dipsomania
B. Kleptomania
C. Pyromania

4. Which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To People Who Have Delusions About Their Invincibility?
A. Megalomaniac
B. Pyromaniac
C. Hypochondriac

5. Which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To A Person Who Fears Shut-in Or Crowded Places?
A. Arsonist
B. Agoraphobe
C. Claustrophobe

6. A Person Who Sneers At Convention And Tradition Is A/an.........
A. Iconoclast
B. Agnostic
C. Atheist

7. A Person Who Has Morbid Anxiety About His Or Her Health Is A/an........
A. Martinet
B. Hypochondriac
C. Tyro
D. Virtuoso

8. Which Of The Following Words Is Used To Refer To The Act Of Killing One's Wife?
A. Sycophancy
B. Patrimony
C. Patricide

9. Which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To A Person Who Is A Strict Disciplinarian....
A. Virago
b. Chauvinist
C. Martinet

10. Which Of The Following Words Can Be Used To Refer To A Person Who Tends To Fixate Obsessively Over One Thing...
A. Hypochondriac
B. Agnostic
C. Monomaniac

D. Uxoricide

Jawaban: #1:

























sorry if is wrong

What is agnosticism? |

Agnosticism gotquestions. What is agnosticism?

Gimana? Sudah ketemu cara mengerjakan mengenai "1. The.....speech went on for over an hour a. Grandiose b. Grant C.Grandiloquent 2. The painting sho..." kan? Semoga solusi tadi dapat membantu pengerjaan PR sobat.

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